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Use this space to layout your financial goals.

First, fill in the current year, the year you are planning for and your GCI goals so they are front and center.

Then head down to the Benchmarks & Efficiencies (B&E) section. Here you will fill in you the key metrics you’d like to hit. In the 2022 // Plan row, fill in the Average Commission with a dollar amount, and then percentages for how many of your deals are listings vs buyers, the percentage of your listings that sold, how many listings you took at the appointment, how many of your buyer’s bought, how many buyer’s signed with your on your first appointment, the number of trips/appointments you needed for each sale and how many weeks you’ll work this year.

Filling in the B&E section will populate your Secondary goals, which will tell you how many sales you’ll need, how many listings, buyers, contracts, appointments, buyer contracts, buyer appointments, buyer trips & total trips/appointments required to get you to your goal.

Use the target tracker to track your actual deals. Update this as soon as a deal goes through, and it will show you how on track you are to meeting your annual goal.

<aside> 💡 For your actual results, fill in the same items as you did for your planning as the year goes on, and you’ll end up with two rows in each section - one as your plan, and the other as your results, making it simple to compare.


Current Year:

Planning Year:

Annual Income Goal:

[Insert Year]

[Insert Planning Year Range]

[Insert GCI Goal]

Primary Goals

Target Tracker

Secondary Goals

Benchmarks & Efficiencies